About Me

I have spent my entire life so far growing up in a small town called Mechanicville in Upstate New York. I live next to many family members including my grandmother and my great-grandmother. Needless to say, family is very important to me. I am very close to my parents and my two older brothers. Friends are also important to me. I love spending time with both friends and family
            I graduated from Mechanicville High School in 2004 and started at Hudson Valley Community College majoring in Early Childhood Education. After my first year there, I questioned whether or not teaching was what I wanted to pursue as my future career. I, however, continued and graduated in May of 2006 with my Associate’s Degree. I decided to transfer to The College of Saint Rose and was devastated to find out that I lost a years worth of credits. Knowing that I was set back already, I decided to change my major to something that I had considered in high school.

       I was extremely excited to start taking classes within my new major of Public Communications. I soon realized that I had done the right thing, even though my parents were worried. I am still unsure of what exactly I want to do once I graduate, but I am experiencing a different problem than before. When I was an Education major I did not always feel as though what I was learning really meant anything to me. Now I love everything that I am learning and there are so many options and careers I am interested in pursuing.

          With all of that said, I think it is time for a little change of pace and to get into some interesting details about my everyday life. I am obsessed with gum, music and reality television. I’ve very attatched to my iPod. I actually enjoy reading and have just finished reading the Harry Potter series. I work at an After-School and Summer Camp Program with children ranging from the age of five to thirteen. I am the “call-ahead” person. Parents can literally call-ahead and have their children ready for pick up when they arrive. I enjoy going to the movies, playing cards, and camping. Hands down my favorite thing to do is gossip about celebrities.

          I'm excited to see what the future has instore for me. I hope to one day relocate to the west coast and find a job that I love.

Here are few of my favorite websites:

For all of the latest celebrity gossip - www.tmz.com

Great prices on tanning lotion - www.lotion4you.com

A source for information about every movie- www.imdb.com